A grooming gang refers to a group of individuals who systematically target children for sexual exploitation. The term “grooming” specifically refers to the process by which perpetrators build relationships with their victims in order to manipulate, exploit and control them for sexual purposes.

Asian or Pakistani – mislabelling for appeasement?
The British Hindu & Indian community are expressing strong outrage over the use of the term “Asian” grooming gangs by authorities, the mainstream media and politicians. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer used the term “Asian” during several such debates and statements on this dehumanising crime carried out by predominantly Pakistani Muslim men, first brought to notice in northern towns such as Rochdale. As these horrific crimes were carried out by predominantly one specific ethnicity (on their unsuspecting majorly specific White victims), the British Hindu & Indian Community in the UK feel that this phrase is misleading, inaccurate and tarnishes the image of an entire continent and its people.
Asia stretches from Jordan to Japan on one hand while on the other Siberia to Sri Lanka on the north-south front! Were all these people responsible for this? Asia is a large continent with 48 countries, with a population of around 4.2 billion people who take up various religions and cultural backgrounds. As such; it is deeply insulting, harmful and dangerous for all Asian people to unfairly carry this label.
Angst of the Hindus and Sikhs/ British Indians
Can <5% population of Pakistani origin represent all people of Asia? Such mislabelling with ‘Asian’ gives observers and lay readers a false impression that everyone from that continent including Indians, who are not involved in these crimes, are viewed as perpetrators too. Lumping all Asians (or even similarly ‘South Asians’) together undermines the effort to address the real issue, protect vulnerable victims and prevent similar crimes in the future. It also bypasses the real ideology-driven motives used by the perpetrators.
Criminals are called “Asians” when they are grooming gangs. But when an issue about Kashmir is raised, we are suddenly all Indians. 85% of convicted grooming gang/rape gang members in the United Kingdom have been of Pakistani-Muslim heritage and that is confirmed by various reports. In 2020, the Home Office report also highlighted that most of the perpetrators share a common ethnic or religious background; if not familial ties.
Misleading the general public with convenient labels
Politically convenient labelling by authorities isn’t just betraying the obvious appeasement by political leaders for electoral gains but also the families of the victims. The latter are denied an understanding of why their girls were targeted as such to start with. Notwithstanding; the media and British politicians still with a lot to answer for the injustices suffered by the Leicester Hindus have only worsened the angst felt among British Hindus & Indians. This has been raised at many fora by Hindu organisations including INSIGHT UK.
The suffering of Sikh and Hindu victims
Grooming/rape gangs have not only targeted British children of Anglo-Saxon Caucasian ancestry but also Hindus and Sikh girls in a similar fashion in the Midlands and the London Metropolitan area. The issue of grooming gangs is a sensitive and complex one, and it has affected individuals of many different backgrounds and religions. There have been reports and investigations focusing on the ethno-religious backgrounds of the perpetrators of grooming gangs but the specific number of minority Hindu or Sikh victims is patchy; at best, in public records or research. There were high-profile cases focused on the experiences of young people, primarily of Indian descent, who have been victims of grooming and sexual exploitation, particularly in towns and cities like Rotherham, Rochdale, and Oxford. Reports from survivors and investigations into grooming gangs have suggested that Hindu and Sikh minors have been among the victims in significant numbers (accounting for a percentage of the ethnic population in that county/region of the UK).
Intellectual cowardice – the bane of media outlets
The mainstream media must also take its fair share of the blame for such mislabelling of ‘Asian’ and being unwilling (for reasons better known to major media outlets) to call a spade a spade. Since 85% of convicted perpetrators were Muslims of Pakistani origin, what was it that forced the media, councillors, police, social security, politicians and the elite class to remain silent? And those that did call it out; still frustratingly avoiding specifics, continued using the term “Asian”. We don’t only need a national inquiry but we need criminal investigations.
National inquiry or Examination of System Betrayals
A number of inquiries have been made in the past (https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-what-local-and-national-inquiries-into-grooming-gangs-have-there-been) but without proper outcome. It is high time that a national independent enquiry with a specific time frame, monitored by legal as well as media ombudsman must be carried out. This must expose the loopholes that allowed such organised criminals to terrorise hapless minor girls as well as those systemic failures whether in commission or omission. Laws must not only be amended but also the strictest punishments meted out including deportations of those deemed a threat to social cohesion. It is the least to expect if we are to produce far-reaching results. The nation and its institutions owe this to the hundreds of thousands of victims and their families toward seeking closure for their horrific experiences and the destruction of their childhood.
The elephant in the room – ethno-religious ideology-driven targeted crime
Clear answers are sought for some basic soul-searching questions. The soul of this nation has been shaken to the core but is unwilling to face the obvious realities associated with report findings.
Why were these underage girls targeted? Why were these girls (including Hindu and Sikh girls) vulnerable? Who were these gang rapists? Why did they come predominantly from one ethnicity and religious group? Are there any ideological or religious reasons at play? Did Social Services and the Council do their duties toward the victims? Or did they make it worse? What was the role of the local police constabularies, councillors and politicians?
Overview of previous reports on underage targeted grooming in Britain’s towns
It is well known that underage girls from council estate neighbourhoods or broken families were systematically targeted by gangs of predominantly men of Pakistani origin (though Afghan and Somalian perpetrators also were found) through a carefully constructed ring of taxi drivers, kebab shop workers and drug peddlers. These unfortunate girls were passed around for sexual exploitation not just in these neighbourhoods but also between men in various towns and cities in Northern and Central England. The gangs were politically and religiously connected to leaders in the community. This gave them a shield of untouchability in the eyes of the law not just from their religious background but also the racial slur that police personnel feared would stick, should they be investigated and probed. It’s not unheard of that in one Northern town; the main perpetrator was a relative of a local councillor and counted an officer in the police constabulary as a sibling!
Sikh and Hindu girls: A neglected statistic or an ignored outlier?
While underage Anglo-Saxon girls came from a neglected aspect of society; the issue with Sikh and Hindu victims was not very different. While the latter two groups may have been economically or socially better supported, the ethno-religious angle at play against the Indian-origin girls has its roots in the bloody history of the Indian Subcontinent vis-à-vis invading ideologies. Such, as well as their historical aggressors, are still hailed and held as ‘role models’ in the eyes of such perpetrators in what they term as ‘mandated religious duty’. Should this read – ‘was very different’?
European grooming networks
Such targeted exploitation of girls; dehumanising them, ultimately destroying many mentally but also their families with a fraction of these being ending in violent murders or tragic suicides following years of abuse…..begs a few simple stark questions at least. Sadly; not just in the United Kingdom (chiefly England and Scotland) but such epidemics of sexual exploitation of native underage girls by non-native ethnic North African/African gangs of men have been uncovered over the last four decades in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden. Similarly, the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of such hapless victims on the continent were failed by a combination of political expediency, political correctness dictated by the media (infiltrated by radical Leftists) as well as the judiciary which curtailed; if not hindered, efforts by the law enforcement agencies chiefly the police and drugs control.
Hindus and Sikh communities: The collateral damage?
In summary; the mislabelling of such predominantly Pakistani gang rapists under the title ‘Asian’, in a bid to mollify any righteous public and international outrage isn’t just perverse on the part of the media and political establishment but also demeans those from all ends of the vast continent of Asia, unfairly painting them as willing; if not equal, culpable. It also brushes under the carpet the ethnoreligious motives as the driving undercurrent of such perversities inflicted on unassuming girls at a time when they rather expected the school and playgrounds to mould their young lives.
Victims and families: British and Indian
The victims and families have not all yet come to terms with the understanding of why their girls were targeted as such. Partly thanks to the media-driven and politically enforced ban on specifics about the gang’s backgrounds and religion. On the other hand, Sikh and Hindu families of victims do not just have to contend with the pain (as experienced by their Anglo-Saxon co-victims) but also the angst of religious targeting (reminding older family members of the horrific partition of their homeland; ie India) with horrendous generational memories of similar crimes.
Labels: Asian or South Asian or other? Scars from recent history
The anger and shame of being forced to share the blame for these crimes (in society’s view) on account of being ‘Asian’ or ‘South Asian’ is diabolical after suffering trans-generational/prime generational trauma (for similar transgressions suffered) after religious persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan) not just during the 1940s but also now.
Simply put; mislabelling is akin to calling Jew of German/Yiddish background; living and settled in America for three generations a Nazi or a skinhead!? While it’s worse that the crimes were heinous, the criminals were free or under patronage and one’s own girls were also targeted but also the community was blamed due to racial similarity.
All victims of these grooming or rape gangs deserve not just timely justice but also transparency and the truth from the political class, the mainstream media and law enforcement. That’s the least this nation can do for years of miscarriage of justice and scarred childhood.
What next?
Whilst we acknowledge that the government through Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has announced a nationwide review of grooming gang evidence and 5 local inquiries into grooming gangs. We expect these inquiries to;
- Gather evidence of victims other than anglo-saxon girls
- Identify the perpetrators’ ethnicity and religion and not be masked under the political correctness term of ‘Asian’
- The inquiries must aim to understand the underlying cause and motivation of the perpetrators to target Anglo-Saxon girls and girls from Hindu and Sikh communities.
There are several actions that we would like authorities, the media, politicians etc. to take;
- We still feel a time-bound statutory independent national inquiry into grooming gangs must be initiated
- Stop using the blanket term “Asian” and use the more accurate term “Pakistani Muslim” or “British-Pakistani Muslim” to describe the ethnoreligious heritage of the grooming gangs
- Ensure that Hindu and Sikh, and all other victims are recognised and not limited to White British girls
- All those involved in and complicit in and those who neglected their duty towards the victims must be brought to justice