Fault lines deepen within the Christian faith over the practice of Yoga

Yoga is not merely a physical practice with postures or mantras as Western Christian yoga practitioners portray.

Fault lines deepen within the Christian faith over the practice of Yoga
Fault lines deepen within the Christian faith over the practice of Yoga

A Greek Orthodox Christian Priest stated that;

“Yoga is rooted in Hinduism…When you do Yoga stretches, you are having a connection to a foreign God. As we know from the holy scriptures (Bible), all the Gods of the Gentiles (non-believers, similar to kafir) are devils.”

Whilst some in the Christian faith are attempting to save the religion from becoming obsolete invented CrossYoga (misappropriating it as Christian Yoga)…

…the Greek Orthodox Christian sect has stated that Yoga’s Hindu roots make it a practice which connects you to foreign Gods similar to the devil.

The Christian yoga definition deliberately misconstrues misinterprets and misuses yoga with malice and a deliberate intention to cause more harm than good.

Hindus define Yoga as a way of life. That is individual Jiva Atmans who are indivisible, indestructible and immortal. Meaning we each have free will to live life on our terms. We make wise choices because for every action there is an equal and corresponding reaction.

Therefore, Hindu culture teaches discipline over thoughts, feelings and actions. This takes the form of a continual expression at a transcendental level to raise the consciousness of humanity. As the science and practice of yoga become more and more popular, people are realising the benefits of this ancient practice for inner peace, harmony and longevity.

It will be interesting to see where the Christian faith goes as far as Yoga is concerned. Will it denounce it as devil worshiping or will it attempt to claim it to be Christian?