Hindu and Indian gurus are covered frequently on BBC India. In 2023 BBC India covered a Hindu spiritual leader who claimed he had healing powers.

There was almost no balancing coverage of the numerous “miracle” healing events conducted by Christian Pastors or Muslim Imams in India.
Various videos are easily accessible online of the dramatic ceremonies in India where people are converted to Christianity. Worshippers fall to the ground and start rolling around, convulsing in a fit. Later they are converted or the Pastor claims they have been healed.
In reality, attendees have been manipulated. Many of these events are clearly staged, tricks designed to impress gullible masses, but never covered on the BBC India section.
One such Indian Christian pastor goes by the name of Bajinder Singh, who is alleged to have converted to Christianity whilst he was in jail for a murder case. Since then, there have been allegations of rape, loot and child exploitation made against him.
Another example that the BBC chose not to cover was the Thanjavur student suicide case in India. A Hindu girl known as Lavanya Muruganantham tragically committed suicide. Her parents said that their daughter was forced to work by a warden after she refused to convert to Christianity.
The BBC also does not cover Muslim healers in the same way it covers Hindu gurus in any of its BBC India reporting. INSIGHT UK found various Muslim “faith healers” in India and the UK. Some had sexually exploited women and children. Research found none had been covered. Though it did cover African Muslim “healers”.
References for this article can be found in the full report.