INSIGHT UK is pleased to support the launch of Hindu Memorial Day (UK) 2024.
Devised by a group of young British Hindu volunteers, Hindu Memorial Day (HMD) is an annual day of collective remembrance, for the Hindu community to honour and offer gratitude to those who dedicated their lives to protect and preserve Hindu Dharma.

HMD will take place every year on the last weekend of Pitru Paksha (Shradha); this year it falls on Saturday 28th of September.
It is hoped that HMD will serve as a medium through which our next generation will learn about Hindu history.
What is Hindu Memorial Day?
- Annual Day for British Hindus to honour those who dedicated their lives to protect and preserve Hindu Dharma.
- Offering gratitude for the personal sacrifices of countless Hindus through the centuries – many of whom remain unnamed.
- HMD is a day of collective remembrance, for the British Hindus to celebrate their shared history.
Why is it Important?
- Hindus are some of the most successful communities in the UK and we thrive today
due to the contributions of previous generations. - From our grandparents who migrated to an unfamiliar country to our soldiers who fought for our freedom, HMD aims to keep the memories of our Hindu Heros alive.
- HMD will help modern Hindus connect with the inspiring stories of their ancestors.
When is Hindu Memorial Day?
- Annually on the last Saturday or Sunday of Pitṛ Pakṣa (Shrādha)* – 28th Sept in 2024.
- Pitṛ Pakṣa is the fortnight that precedes Navaratri when Hindus usually honour their ancestors.
- On each day of this fortnight, Hindu families traditionally remember departed loved ones – HMD is a day for the entire community to come together for collective remembrance.
How do we Observe HMD?
- British Hindu communities gather at temples and other venues for prayers and acts of remembrance and commemoration.
- HMD is a day of collective remembrance so British Hindus are encouraged to organise and participate in a public event in their town and city.
Next Steps
- Book Saturday 28th September 2024 into your diary.
- Contact us to request your information pack.
- Organise an event in your town/city.
For more details visit: