Exposing the malicious agenda of Rajiv Sinha and his “Hindus for Human Rights” organisation

The world is no stranger to groups that operate under the guise of noble intentions, only to have hidden agendas that serve to harm rather than help the communities they claim to represent. One such group is the Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR), spearheaded by Mr Rajiv Sinha in the UK, whose actions have continuously targeted the Hindu community and India with malicious intent.

Exposing the malicious agenda of Rajiv Sinha and his “Hindus for Human Rights” organisation Read More »

INSIGHT UK statement on the Manchester Airport incident

INSIGHT UK strongly objects to the use of the term “Asian” to describe the individuals involved in the recent Manchester airport incident. The individuals in question were neither Indian nor Hindu. The conflation of British Hindus and Indians with the broader “Asian” identity often leads to a misrepresentation of Indian and Hindu values and behaviours, which are fundamentally peaceful.

INSIGHT UK statement on the Manchester Airport incident Read More »