Strong objection to MP Rachel Hopkins meeting with members of JKLF UK terror group

INSIGHT UK has expressed its strong objections and deep concerns against the recent meeting which took place between Rachel Hopkins, Labour MP for Luton South and members of Jammu-Kashmir Liberation Front UK (JKLF UK) – an organisation which has committed terror atrocities against Indians, India and undermines India’s sovereignty.

Strong objection to MP Rachel Hopkins meeting with members of JKLF UK terror group Read More »

Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front and Mohammad Yasin Malik

Factsheet on Mohammad Yasin Malik, a Pakistan-backed separatist and Kashmiri terrorist responsible for the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from the Kashmir Valley, convicted in Indian courts for multiple severe criminal offences including terrorism, waging war against the government of India, financing terrorism, membership in a terrorist organisation, and terrorist acts, among others.

Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front and Mohammad Yasin Malik Read More »

2019 General Election | Why British Hindus and Indians resolved to vote against Labour

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of news about British Indians and British Hindus going to vote against Labour during this general election. More than 70% of the BHI community voted for Labour in the 2017 general election and recent surveys suggest more than 80% of this lot will vote against Labour in the 2019 general election. It is important to understand what has led to this drastic change.

2019 General Election | Why British Hindus and Indians resolved to vote against Labour Read More »